Королевский Шотландский национальный оркестр

Joel McNeely`s re-recording with Royal Scottish National Orchestra [1998]
1. Overture (1:24)
2. Autumn (0:54)
3. The Murder (0:56)
4. The Captain (1:44)
5. The Body (1:24)
6. Miss Gravely`s...Читать дальше
Joel McNeely`s re-recording with Royal Scottish National Orchestra [1998]
1. Overture (1:24)
2. Autumn (0:54)
3. The Murder (0:56)
4. The Captain (1:44)
5. The Body (1:24)
6. Miss Gravely`s Test (0:38)
7. Jennifer (0:53)
8. The Doctor (1:01)
9. The Tramp (1:37)
10. The Cup (1:04)
11. Autumn Afternoon (0:52)
12. The Sketch (1:51)
13. The Doctor`s Return (1:09)
14. The Police (0:47)
15. The Country Road (0:53)
16. Tea Time (1:40)
17. The Burial (1:27)
18. Waltz Macabre (1:24)
19. Waltz Reprise (0:42)
20. Valse Lente (2:21)
21. Miss Gravely Diggs (0:37)
22. Homebodies (1:29)
23. The Closet (0:25)
24. Harvest Eve (0:45)
25. The Phantom Coach (1:09)
26. The Walk (0:37)
27. The Wish (0:40)
28. Proposal (1:13)
29. Suspicion (1:01)
30. Porch Talk (1:05)
31. Duo (1:25)
32. Ostinato (1:04)
33. Encore (0:47)
34. Cortege (0:48)
35. Slumber (0:31)
36. Afterbeats (0:42)
37. The Bathtub (0:40)
38. Confession (0:49)
39. The Solution (0:54)
40. Finale (1:45)

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Recorded on April 29, 1998 at City Halls, Glasgow, Scotland
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