Лондонский симфонический оркестр

1. Main Title (2:28)
2. Dad Builds Treehouse (0:23)
3. A Stormy Ride To The Library (2:51)
4. Library Card (1:17)
5. The Library... The Pagemaster... (4:42)
6. Meeting Adventure and Fantasy...Читать дальше
1. Main Title (2:28)
2. Dad Builds Treehouse (0:23)
3. A Stormy Ride To The Library (2:51)
4. Library Card (1:17)
5. The Library... The Pagemaster... (4:42)
6. Meeting Adventure and Fantasy (5:11)
7. Baskerville Hound (0:21)
8. Horror (3:21)
9. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5:06)
10. A Narrow Escape (2:05)
11. Towards The Open Sea... (7:03)
12. `Pirates!` (4:06)
13. Loneliness (3:11)
14. Fire Breathing Dragon (3:10)
15. Swallowed Alive! / The Wonder In Books (7:57)
16. New Courage / The Magic Of Imagination (4:10)
17. Whatever You Imagine [performed by Wendy Moten] (3:30)
18. Dream Away [performed by Babyface & Lisa Stansfield] (4:44)

Additional music
19. Main Title [Alternate Ending] (2:13)
20. Loneliness [Alternate] (2:20)

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Expanded Limited Edition (2015) / Choir: Universal Voices London / Recorded on April 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13, 1994 at Abbey Road Studios, London, England
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