Мирча Дьяконеску

Мирча Дьяконеску (дирижер)

Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Împarate Ceresc (Heavenly King)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Adu-ti aminte, Doamne, de David (Lord, Remember David)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Adusu-mi-am aminte (Ich habe mich erinnert)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Alliluia (Alleluia)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Astazi Cristos in vitleem (Today Christ is Born)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Astazi proorocile (Today the Propeties)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Astazi s`a spanzurat pe lemn (Today He Who Hung)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Cântare aducem (We Sing the Hymn)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Cristos a inviat (Christ Is Risen)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): En arche en ho Logos (In the Beginning Was the Word)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Hagios ho Theos (Holy is God)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): I Parthenos Simeron (Today the Virgin Gives Birth)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Imn Bizantin (Byzantine Hymn)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Invierea ta, Cristoase (Thy Resurrection, O Christ)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Ke avti estin i martiria tu Ioannu (And This is the Record of John)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): La Raul Vavilonului (By the Rivers of Babylon)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Lumina lina (O Joyful Light)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Nu te tangui, Maica (Weep not for Me, o Mother)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): O poia hora tote (How Shall It Be in That Hour)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Oi, moi, ho Adam (`Woe is Mei`, Adam Cried)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Pre cel deal (On the Hill)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Prohodul domnului (The Eulogies)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Sa se Bucure Faptura (Let the Whole Creation Rejoice)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Toiag din radacina lui iesei (From the Night of Deeds)
Неизвестный композитор, - Romanian church music (Byzantine chants): Ziua Invierii (This is the Day of Resurrection)
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