Legends of St. Nicholas (Medieval Chant and Polyphony), часть II.
13 (00:00). Reading: All the province of Seint Nicholas suffered gret peyne for hunger [3:34]
14 (03:34). Hymn: Plaudat letitia... Читать дальше
Legends of St. Nicholas (Medieval Chant and Polyphony), часть II.
13 (00:00). Reading: All the province of Seint Nicholas suffered gret peyne for hunger [3:34]
14 (03:34). Hymn: Plaudat letitia [4:25]
15 (07:59). Motet: Salve cleri speculum/Salve iubar presulum/[Sospitati]/[Sospitati] [3:00]
16 (10:59). Song: Sainte Nicholaes [1:09]
17 (12:08). Reading: A worschipfull man hadde thre doughtres virgines [4:59]
18 (17:07). Conductus: Fulget Nicolaus [2:35]
19 (19:42). Responsory: Ex eius tumba/ Prosa: Sospitati dedit egros [6:14]
20 (25:56). Conductus: Gaudens in Domino [1:37]
21 (27:33). Reading: And whanne our Lorde lust to take Seint Nicholas oute of this worlde [2:28]
22 (30:01). Motet: Psallat chorus/Eximie pater/[Aptatur] [0:54]
23 (30:33). Conductus: Nicholae presulum [1:52]
24 (32:25). Conductus: Nicholaus pontifex [2:18]

Х Свернуть

Catholic liturgy: Legends of St. Nicholas (Средневековое одноголосие и полифония), часть II.,  (Неизвестный композитор)
Исполнитель: женский вокальный ансамбль Anonymous 4 (США) в составе Marsha Genensky, Ruth Cunningham, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Rose. Запись 1993 г.
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