Soloists: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass; 4-part Chorus (for the final Chorale)
Orchestra: clarino, oboe, oboa da caccia, 2 violins, viola, continuo

1. Ihr Menschen, ruhmet Gottes Liebe
2. Gelobet... ×èòàòü äàëüøå
Soloists: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass; 4-part Chorus (for the final Chorale)
Orchestra: clarino, oboe, oboa da caccia, 2 violins, viola, continuo

1. Ihr Menschen, ruhmet Gottes Liebe
2. Gelobet sei der Herr Gott Israel
3. Gottes Wort, das trüget nicht
4. Das Weibes Saamen kam
5. Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren

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Êàíòàòà `Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe`, BWV  167 (Áàõ)
Alto - Sytse Buwalda, Holland Boys Choir. Recording: St. Nicolaschurch, Elburg, Holland, IV-IX.1999.
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