,  (Миллс)
Фредерик Миллс (труба)

Recorded at the Church of St. Mary Magdelene, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, 1987.

Transcribed for Brass Quintet by Arthur Frackenpohl. Recorded at the Church of St. Mary Magdelene, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, 1986.

Transcribed for Brass Quintet by Arthur Frackenpohl. Recorded at the Church of St. Mary Magdelene, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, 1986.

Transcribed for Brass Quintet by Arthur Frackenpohl. Recorded at the Church of St. Mary Magdelene, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, 1986.

Transcribed for Brass Quintet by Arthur Frackenpohl. Recorded at the Church of St. Mary Magdelene, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, 1986.

THE CANADIAN BRASS. Recording date unknown. Released in Canada, 2002.
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