,  (Гримберт)
Жак Гримберт (дирижер)

Brigitte Desnoues, Gaele Le Roi - sopranos, Marc Duguay - tenor, Jean Francois Lapointe - baritone. University of Paris-Sorbonne Orchestra & Chorus. Recordings 1993-94, Sorbonne.

Brigitte Desnoues, Gaele Le Roi - sopranos, Marc Duguay - tenor, Jean Francois Lapointe - baritone. University of Paris-Sorbonne Orchestra & Chorus. Recordings 1993-94, Sorbonne.

Brigitte Desnoues - soprano, Marc Duguay - tenor, Jean Francois Lapointe - baritone. University of Paris-Sorbonne Orchestra & Chorus. Recordings 1993-94, Sorbonne.

Brigitte Desnoues - soprano, Marc Duguay - tenor, Jean Francois Lapointe - baritone. University of Paris-Sorbonne Orchestra & Chorus. Recordings 1993-94, Sorbonne.

Brigitte Desnoues - soprano, Marc Duguay - tenor, Jean Francois Lapointe - baritone. University of Paris-Sorbonne Orchestra & Chorus. Recordings 1993-94, Sorbonne.

Orchestra/Ensemble: Paris-Sorbonne University Orchestra, Paris-Sorbonne University Chorus

Performer: Fernand Bernadi (Bass), Cecile Perrin (Soprano), Delphine Haidan (Mezzo Soprano),
Marc Duguay (Tenor)
Conductor: Jacques Grimbert
Orchestra/Ensemble: Paris-Sorbonne University Orchestra, Paris-Sorbonne University Chorus

Jill Feldman - soprano, Brigitte Lafon - mezzo-soprano, Howard Milner - tenor, Glenn Chambers - baritone. Choeur et Orchestre de Paris-Sorbonne. Запись - февраль 1989 г., Париж.

Венера - Lorna Windsor, Асканио - Michael Chance, Сильвиа - Jill Feldman, жрец Ацест - Howard Milner, Фавн - Rosa Mannion. Choeur de L`Universite de Paris-Sorbonne. Запись - 16-24 сентября 1990 г., Париж.

`Choeur et Orchestre de Paris-Sorbonne`, дирижёр Жак Гримберт. 1992 год.

`Choeur et Orchestre de Paris-Sorbonne`, дирижёр Жак Гримберт. 1992 год.


Хор Парижской Сорбонны, CD 1995

`Choeur et Orchestre de Paris-Sorbonne`, дирижёр Жак Гримберт. 1992 год.
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